4 Factors To Consider When Choosing A Diamond Ring To Surprise Your Loved One With

Whether for an anniversary, a birthday, or just to show your appreciation to her, choosing a diamond ring to surprise your loved one with should involve more than just carat size and price. There are several things that should be considered to ensure that your purchase is one you won't regret as time goes on. Here are a few important factors to think about when choosing that perfect diamond ring to buy the woman in your life:

Material Sourcing

The single-most important thing to consider when choosing a diamond ring to buy for your loved one is where the diamond was sourced. Diamonds that are sourced from rebel-controlled areas of the world contribute to funding of wars, which affects millions of lives through death and destruction. These diamonds are also typically mined under harsh conditions by kids and adults alike. It is crucial to make sure that the diamond you choose to invest in isn't considered a "conflict diamond" based on where it was sourced. Look for a company to purchase your diamond ring from that is willing to provide you with a guarantee in writing that it wasn't sourced from a controversial area. You should also receive a certificate of authenticity upon purchase.

Birthstone Color

When deciding which style and color of diamond to buy for your loved one, consider her birthstone. You can use her birthstone as a guide when choosing a diamond design to give it a customized look and feel that your loved one is sure to appreciate for many years to come. Work with your jeweler to find diamonds with hues that correspond to your loved one's birthstone color. Keep the name of their birthstone in mind and use it to choose a diamond shape. For example, an aquamarine birthstone is reminiscent of water, so a teardrop diamond shape would be appropriate. You may even be able to have small birthstones set into your ring design to accompany the diamond.


It is also a good idea to consider how easy the diamond ring you'll be buying will be to customize in later years. Easy customization will come in handy if your loved one decides to make changes to it, or if you plan to add stones to it each year as a way of celebrating the occasion. So, look for a diamond ring that doesn't have to be completely taken apart and put back together again if changes are to be made in the future. The ring should be designed with customization in mind and some extra room on the face that will accommodate additions as they are wanted. It's also a good idea to make sure that the band on the ring can be adjusted in size throughout the years so your loved one can customize its fit as she ages.

Resale Valuation

You should also think about a ring's potential resale value before committing to a purchase. The size, shape, density, and design of the ring will all have an impact on resale value. Once you've narrowed your options down to two or three designs, take the specific information about the rings to a few other jewelers and diamond buyers in your area to see what they'd be willing to pay for the ring if you were to sell it to them. You should also obtain a valuation sheet from your jeweler that outlines the value fluctuations diamonds have experienced in recent years. This will give you an idea of how well the ring will hold up in value once it's used and as the markets change.

Utilizing these tips and tricks should make it easy to choose a diamond ring that your loved one can enjoy and rely on for many years to come. To find diamonds and diamond rings for sale, contact companies like Rocky Mountain Gold & Silver Exchange.
